Saturday, November 14, 2009


I am so lost without you
You look so good without me

I hang on
You've let go

I am empty
You are full

Me, down
You, up.


Monday, November 9, 2009

A Cento,

That room and me, rejuvenate a past.
Something, perhaps, about the lack of sound-
Slight as it is, disturbs me.

The sound is spirited, green, and full of silence
Long after it was heard no more

Our dried voices, when
Trying to keep still,
the shells were screeching overhead.

Stilled by the shouting, the audience,
The only way to be quiet is to be quick:
For this, for everything, we are out of tune.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

For empty hands

My words poured out onto your feet, they poured out to you.
You kept a hushed tone and no, you did not run.
But we walked away,
simultaneously knowing this was for the best.
For the best reason we are not yet aware of,
but it's coming,
just as this new season is briskly beginning to chill our skin.
And underneath these goosebumps,
we are stitched with the shredding string that tied us together.
But it was not nearly strong enough,
and we fell apart like a worn sweater.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

For fucking up again,

My words are erased out of my head
and bled out my heart.
That is what you do to me.

Hands clench against my sheets
and heat rushes into my face.
This is what you do to me.

Stripping me bare of the tough skin I've grown into,
destroying my frailties with a single word.

The ice in your voice trying to be covered by a faint dusting of care
can't fool me.
I'm no fool for you anymore.

I can fight against what you do to me.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

For the good people out there,

These streets,
they lead in me in a direction
never known,
never quite what i expect.

The pavement slightly mists
as my feet keep moving me
on and on and on.

The lines dividing
one way
and the next
attracts me,
so I stand in the center
and as I look,
I don't know whether I'm looking forward or behind myself.

But with squinted eyes
and a knotted stomach
I see why this journey has kept me going
for such a long time.

And just seeing that one face
at the end of the road
reminds me it was all worth the while.

For stained shirts and teeth,

its not as easy as it seems,
you just like playing games with me.

i run
i twist
but you pull harder on my broken wrist

im back into your head
your into mine

and even with the fight im putting up
you find your own way
to surprise me

every minute
of every hour
of every day

we're back to where it all began

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

For the end of summer,

it seemed to never come
but its approaching
so i sat in the growing stale grass
and i awaited it

it crept upon my bare feet
and towards my bitten knees

i endured the chill i haven't felt in some time
savoring the ice on my steaming body

everyone knows what i speak
yet they release my white noise

they can read deeper if they tried,
they can read longer if they tried

while i awaited
i stood on my feet
and stepped onto a leaf

how i missed that sound of shattering veins
but its still too early

and it crunched softly at first
then made a sound
that resembled nothing
but the reflected rain on city streets

tough on the outside
but fragile once split open,

just like you and i.
just like you and i.